Whether it's your washer, dryer, or refrigerator, each appliance in your home has a specific, useful task, so repairing a broken machine is important. The good news is that an appliance repair service is usually just a phone call away. The bad news is that the final bill they hand you may be much more than you expected. If you're trying to save money on your appliance service repair (and who isn't?), here are some tips to keep in mind.

Check for Power

If your appliance is making a weird noise, leaking some sort of fluid, or smoking, it's obvious that a repair is in order. If it simply won't turn on at all, though, don't make a call just yet. Instead, locate your electrical panel. This is usually a small gray door positioned on an interior wall of your home. There should be a series of switches here. Locate the one that controls the power to your appliance, and make sure it's flipped to the correct position. Sometimes power surges can make these breakers "trip," and all you have to do is flip it back on. If this is the problem, you just saved yourself a ton of cash on a service visit.

Check Your Warranty

Once you've determined that a service call is necessary, don't forget to check your warranty papers. If you've misplaced them, you can usually call the appliance manufacturer's number and find out what your options are. Though many appliance repair companies will check your warranty information for you, many don't. It's best to be proactive and find the information for yourself.

Check for Recalls

While you're on the phone with the appliance manufacturer, ask them if there are any recalls for your specific appliance. This information is usually mailed to your home, but many owners forget to register their appliance when they purchase it. If a recall is issued on your appliance, you may get a replacement or repair free of charge.

Negotiate the Cost

Once you get an estimate of the total repair cost, don't be afraid to negotiate the charges. Ask for an itemized list of charges, and go over each item with the repair company. If anything seems amiss or unnecessary, ask for clarification or a reduction on the bill. If the contractor refuses to negotiate the charges into a reasonable price range, you can always call another company whose rates are less expensive.

An appliance repair doesn't have to break your budget. If you do a little research before the service technician arrives and aren't afraid to haggle, you can save yourself a chunk of change on what could be a costly service. Contact a company like J & M Appliance for more information.
